1. One who sneers at the beliefs and aims of his fellow man / a person who beliefs in selfishness motives and human actions:- Cynic ( निंदक)
2. A secret or disguised way of writing:- cypher(शून्य का अंक )
3. A situation when no progress is possible:- deadlock. ( गतिरोध)
4. A young person tending to commit crime, particularly minor crimes repeatedly:- Delinquent (अपराधी)
5. Become liquid typically during decomposition:- Deliquesce ( स्वादिष्ट )
6. A political leader appealing to popular desires and prejudices:- Demagogue ( दुर्जनों का नेता)
7. To portray in words:- depict ( चित्रित)
8. A person who gives written testimony for use in a law court:- Deponent ( साक्षी)
9. One who is morally corrupt:- depraved ( भ्रष्ट)
10. To feel and express Strong disapproval:- Deprecate. (बिनती करना)
11. Unable to think clearly because of mental illness:- Deranged ( विक्षिप्त)
12. The abandonment of one’s country or cause:- Desertion (परित्याग)
13. The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences:- Deterrence. (निरोध)
14. Showing a skillful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals:- Devious (चालाक)
15. Spread over a wide area or between a large number of people:- Diffuse. (बिखरा हुआ)
16. A dabbler in art and literature:- Dilettante (अनुरागी)
17. A heavy round plate of metal thrown by an athlete:- Discus
18. Break up into small parts as a result of impact or decay:- Disintegrate.(बिखर)
19. Causing a mood of gloom and depression:- Dismal (निराशाजनक)
20. To throw an event into confusion and disorder:- Disrupt (बाधित)

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