CRPF HCM, Paramedical 23 Rank Check

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CRPF HCM 2023 Distribution of raw marks based on RankiQ Survey

Marks Range No. of Students Cumulative No. of Students
( 82-87 ] 3 3
( 77-82 ] 30 33
( 72-77 ] 163 196
( 67-72 ] 713 909
( 62-67 ] 2100 3009
( 57-62 ] 4287 7296
( 52-57 ] 6552 13848
( 47-52 ] 7722 21570
( 42-47 ] 7855 29425
( 37-42 ] 6766 36191
( 32-37 ] 5206 41397
( 27-32 ] 4221 45618
( 22-27 ] 3527 49145
( 17-22 ] 2931 52076
( 12-17 ] 2375 54451
( 7-12 ] 1556 56007
( 2-7 ] 814 56821
( -3-2 ] 218 57039
( -8–3 ] 23 57062
( -13–8 ] 1 57063

CRPF HCR 2023 Distribution of Normalised score based on RankIQ Survey

Marks Range No. of Students Cumulative No. of students
( 84-89 ] 12 12
( 79-84 ] 92 104
( 74-79 ] 492 596
( 69-74 ] 1571 2167
( 64-69 ] 3411 5578
( 59-64 ] 5842 11420
( 54-59 ] 7348 18768
( 49-54 ] 7779 26547
( 44-49 ] 6932 33479
( 39-44 ] 5553 39032
( 34-39 ] 4555 43587
( 29-34 ] 3623 47210
( 24-29 ] 3071 50281
( 19-24 ] 2434 52715
( 14-19 ] 1679 54394
( 9-14 ] 1146 55540
( 4-9 ] 726 56266
( -1-4 ] 399 56665

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